On a camera, the different shooting modes available may include:
Auto mode: This mode allows the camera to automatically adjust settings such as aperture, shutter speed, and ISO based on the scene being captured.
Program mode: In this mode, the camera sets the aperture and shutter speed automatically while allowing the user to adjust other settings like ISO, white balance, and exposure compensation.
Shutter priority mode: In this mode, the user can set the desired shutter speed while the camera adjusts the aperture to achieve proper exposure.
Aperture priority mode: Here, the user selects the aperture setting while the camera adjusts the shutter speed for correct exposure.
Manual mode: In this mode, the user has full control over all settings including aperture, shutter speed, ISO, white balance, and more.
Portrait mode: This mode is optimized for capturing portraits by using a wide aperture to create a shallow depth of field and blur the background.
Landscape mode: This mode is designed to capture landscapes by using a smaller aperture for a greater depth of field, ensuring that both near and distant objects are sharp.
Sports mode: This mode prioritizes fast shutter speeds to freeze motion and capture fast-moving subjects such as athletes or wildlife.
Macro mode: Macro mode allows for close-up photography, enabling the camera to focus on small details and capture intricate subjects like flowers or insects.
Night mode: This mode is ideal for low-light situations, adjusting settings to capture clear, well-exposed photos in dimly lit environments.